Thursday, December 17, 2009

First Steps

Gaven took his first steps on Dec 11th - just shy of 14 months! This video is a 2 days later and he's already crossing the room. It's amazing how quickly he has progressed in such a short time. He'll be running by Christmas!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Busy boy

We spent Thanksgiving with our friends Julie and David. Gaven was very good with baby Ella. He had an allergic reaction - presumably to Amoxacillin. He got a lot of stares with his rash! He loves the new tree - too bad mommy put the otnaments so high!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Gaven was a pumpkin for Halloween and we were able to reuse our Marilyn and Elvis costumes from a Vegas wedding we had attended. Gaven wasn't sure what to think of daddy's wig. We were all able to enjoy a party at our friend's house.

First Snow

We recently had an October snow storm with almost 20 inches in 2 days. Gaven was so interested in watching daddy shovel and begging to go outside. Once he was suited up and in the yard, he was less enthusiastic about the white stuff.

My First Wheels

As a typical one-year old, Gaven is into everything. He loves to get into our cabinets and the dishwasher is his favorite. He's also a big "helper" to daddy with projects.
Grandma Judy and Papa John sent us this cool "vintage" car for Gaven. Apparently, mommy had a similar one when she was little. He loves to be pushed around in his new ride.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Birthday!

We had a small birthday party with Gaven and a few of his friends. He really liked the frosting but didn't eat much of his cake.

Corn cob

Gaven's cousin Sam told us that we should name our baby "corn cob" when he was still in utero. Needless to say, the nickname stuck. Gaven got a very cool vibrating corn cob teether from his cousins Sam and Charlie for his birthday and he loves it!

Our little sweetie

Gaven is such a sweet boy. He loves to give Liza hugs. He is now crawling up and down the stairs. The cut above his eyebrow was due to a small tumble down the stairs when he tried to stand up.

On the move (video)

Gaven is now crawling on all fours. He still uses his "side winder" crawl on occasion. He's cruising around all of the furniture but no independent steps yet. He loves to snuggle with his buddies Liza and Vern. Thankfully, they are very tolerant of him.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Feeding myself (video)

Gaven tried to feed himself food out of the container with a spoon for the first time today. Very exciting! He can get about two spoonfuls in and then the rest ends up on the floor, in his hair, all over us, etc.

Hanging out

Gaven is now regularly saying "hi" and "oh-oh". He'll even say oh-oh right before he drops something on the floor. What a stinker!

Gaven and Vern (video)

Gaven loves the cat, Vern. They have similar interests - boxes, toys on sticks, balls, etc. He chases the cat all over the house. Vern is pretty tolerant but gives Gaven a gentle swat every now and then. As you can see, Gaven is now pulling himself up on everything and "walking" the furniture. Walking should be around the corner!

Oh Summer

We have had a wonderful summer with Gaven. He loves the water - the dog bowl is his favorite. He takes a "swim" every chance he gets. His buddy, Brody, from down the street came over to swim in Gaven's backyard pool.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Crawling - well, sort of (video)

Gaven has figured out how to get around with a modified crawl. He hates to be on his stomach and refuses to get up on his knees. So, he may just do this until he decides to walk.

Grandma visits

Grandma Marjorie came to visit. She got to witness Gaven's first independent motion. See the videos for an example of his crawl.