Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gaven Turns Two

Gaven had three birthday parties this year. He especially liked singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles (video). He also enjoyed his birthday dinner which included macaroni cupcakes (the kid would eat macaroni every day if given the choice). For his 2 year check up, he was in the 83% for height and >90% for weight and head circumfrence. We have also been very impressed with the explosion of his vocabulary. He now uses 3-5 word sentences. A recent favorite: "Gaven farted from the mouth" when describing a burp. He keeps us laughing.

Lake time

We spent time in the midwest visiting family over Labor Day. Gaven enjoyed playing with his big cousins Eliza, Aiden, Elle and Tal. He also loved driving "grandpa" Tom's boat. All men with grey hair and glasses qualify as grandpa for Gaven:) He also met great grandma Jean for the first time.

The summer

We had a busy summer and were able to spend time with family. Gaven loved hanging out with his cousins Charlie and Sam. He also enjoyed hiking in his backpack. With 30 lbs of love on his back, Rob got a good workout.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Fun

We're having a wonderful summer so far. Gaven loves everything about summer - swimming, playing outside and of course, popsicles! His vocabulary is expanding all of the time. He is starting to put 2-3 words together and repeats everthing we say. Got to be careful.
He's currently fascinated with diggers, trucks and all other modes of transportation. I never thought I'd be learning about the differences between skid steers and forklifts!

Spring 2010

Our little doctor in training.

Gaven enjoyed celebrating Easter with his grandparents. I'm not sure who looked better in the ears, grandpa or Gaven!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

New words

Gaven is saying new words every day. His current favorties are snow, bubbles, belly button, hat, and clock.

Kitchen Helper

Gaven's favorite new activity is to stand at the sink on his step stool and play with the water. He's also fascinated with anything in the oven. I'm looking forward to the day when he can start cooking!

We've had several spring snow storms and Gaven is thrilled. He loves snow. In fact, it's one of his favorite words. He brings his boots to us at every opportunity to try to get us to go outside.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First post of 2010...

Our first 2010 update and more to come! Gaven likes to watch us cook in his high chair: colander, spatula, and frequent use of the word "hot".

I'd feel sorry for Vern, but it is crazy how much Gaven likes to play with (aka torment) our pets. His attempt to sleep on the cat did not work out so well...

Grandma Havens came to town and we had great fun playing all day while I was sick and couldn't go to daycare! Mom and Dad were so thankful for all the assistance!! Check us out bouncing on the ball in the basement, good times!

Check out the sweet batman bathrobe that Grandma Reinke made for me!! Dad keeps telling me to listen to Yoda for my Jedi training and to use the force... whatever... it's fun and he always changes my diapers after I get rid of the force.