Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Birthday!

We had a small birthday party with Gaven and a few of his friends. He really liked the frosting but didn't eat much of his cake.

Corn cob

Gaven's cousin Sam told us that we should name our baby "corn cob" when he was still in utero. Needless to say, the nickname stuck. Gaven got a very cool vibrating corn cob teether from his cousins Sam and Charlie for his birthday and he loves it!

Our little sweetie

Gaven is such a sweet boy. He loves to give Liza hugs. He is now crawling up and down the stairs. The cut above his eyebrow was due to a small tumble down the stairs when he tried to stand up.

On the move (video)

Gaven is now crawling on all fours. He still uses his "side winder" crawl on occasion. He's cruising around all of the furniture but no independent steps yet. He loves to snuggle with his buddies Liza and Vern. Thankfully, they are very tolerant of him.